During the years I have made a top list of the best possible VST-plugin synths there is. Nothing comes closer or better. Here is my top 5.
1. RefX Nexus
Altho it may be lacking in synth design possibilities and other areas, this plugin is outstanding in one word. And even tho it is the most critizised synth, i havent seen anything better yet. It offers allot of sounds with a complete sample library, and you just have to tweak the patches until they are beyond recognition if you want to get that sound. |
Novation V-Station
he sound that will cut thru the mix. When it comes to this , it can create everything. And it never fails. The programming on this synth is very hard but the results are outstanding. It has many inbuilt effects making it a very powerful synthesizer all in one including reverb, chorus, phaser, delay, panning, distortion and EQ. Powerful filters, 8-voice polyphony. |
3. Disco Discovery Pro
A very special sound. Discovery Pro has been one of the good synths. It offers the possibilities to import Nord Lead 2 sysex data patches into the module making this interesting, having Thousands of presets and even more thousand of presets.. featuring 4 layers, WAV and SoundFont (SF2) support, PADSynth, 2X oversampling and undersampling. |
4. Softplug Adventus
Adventus is all about fat analog sounds, Its very good for dance and trance music. One. You can do everything with it. It has some impressive filters built into and it sound really big, wide stereo sound. |
Refx Vanguard
It got everything. Basses, pads, leads, sequences. This synth is powerful. Very good for tweaking until it sounds just right. It offers some good LFO layering and you can really create this special sound. With the expansions available for this synth, its one of the best ! |
Well with that being said, if you combine all of these VST plguins correctly you will get some great results. Do not forget that many of the synths have been released from 2006. And there was truly at that time nothing sounding better. Now there is thousands of instruments and emulations of hardware synthesizer devices and samplers.. But most of them are not bringing anything new...
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